Exclusive interview with Michelle Lay

July 20, 2009, by Petra

Michelle Lay

Michelle Lay gives an exclusive interview to Freeones where she answers some very interesting questions about what it’s like for her working in the adult industry…

How did you get your start in the adult industry?
Nicole Sheridan brought me in, she was my girlfreind at the time.

Is making porn currently your only job? Or do you do something else on the side?
I do the books and accounting for my husbands businesses’

How did you choose your stage name? Is this your first stage name or have you had others?
Michelle is my real/given name, I also went by Michelle when I was a dancer…the “LAY” part came from a singer from back in the 80’s…only her’s wasn’t spelled LAY…I like the way it FLOWS! LOL

What’s the funniest thing you’ve seen while on the job?
When the camera guys get boners!

What do you think is the best and worst part of your job?
Best part is getting paid to get laid~ I don’t really think there is a “worst” part to all of it…I really enjoy what I do. When I stop liking it, I won’t do it!

Do you have any idols or role models within this industry?
Not really, I pretty much just do my own thing and what I feel is right for myself.

What was the first porn you ever watched?
You know, I can’t even remember the name of it and it was VERY BRIEF…it was back in 1990 and I remember everyone being really hairy! LOL

Is there anyone that’s retired that you wish you could have worked with?

In the current economy, do you think work is becoming harder to find? Do you think porn consumers are becoming more discriminating in what they pay for?
Not only in this current economy, but the fact that there is so much freakin’ FREE stuff on the internet…that is what is interfering with this industry! ALL THE FREE SHIT OUT THERE!!

Who is your favorite director or photographer to work with?
Reno Ash from Insanity Pictures!

Do you remember your first kiss?
YES I DO!! On my back porch, I was in 6th grade!

What do you wear when you go to bed?
Men’s underwear…nothing else

Do you have any talents not many people know about?
I am a pretty good cook! I like to bake also. I bake for my neighbors and friends all the time…they love it!

Do you have any interesting hobbies?
I make my own candles and I also have a room full of “arts & crafts” and I make my own greeting cards.

What kind of pets do you own, if any?
I have a 4 lb, little black mutt…his name is “LOUIE”

What was your first car?
A little red, 1979 CHEVETTE! It was cute as hell…I bought it myself and paid $500 (this was back in 1985 mind you!)

What is your favorite food?
Anything chocolate!

What kind of music do you listen to?
All kinds! When I work out I listen to Hip-hop. I also like old rock (Zepp, Stones, Aerosmith)

Do you have any future ambitions?
I’m pretty much where I want to be in my life. I have a wonderful husband, a great family, wonderful friends and a job that I love enough to do until the day I won’t get hired anymore!

Is there anything else you’d like FreeOnes visitors to know about you?
I love sex! I have a lot of energy and I pretty much tell it like it is!

Click here to visit the official Michelle Lay website

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